Sponsor Checklist
ASAP: Company logo and description
ASAP: Speaker name, contact info, and bio, if applicable
2 weeks before or earlier (if possible): Staff names, job titles, and email addresses
2 weeks before or earlier (if possible): Raffle gift description (if applicable-see below)
1 week before or earlier (if possible): Order a monitor if you need one from the AV company Worldstage
1 week before or earlier (if possible): Sign Privacy Policy
If you are planning on shipping equipment or materials to the conference, please ship them to arrive no earlier than the Tuesday before the Thursday event.
Boxes must be labeled EXACTLY as follow or your box may not arrive on the right floor (Please note the shipping address is DIFFERENT from the venue address--the shipping address is for the loading dock where all boxes must be delivered):
To: Metropolitan Pavilion
ATTN: Marvin Torres
Tel: 212-463-0200
Address: 124 West 19th St. Floor 2
New York, NY 10011
Special Instructions: (Your company name) for TechForum, (DATE OF EVENT) , (YOUR COMPANY NAME)
Please label your boxes clearly as follows:
Box _ of _ (eg box 1 of 4)
WIRELESS: TechForum provides a wireless hot spot--at no cost to you.
ELECTRICITY: Electricity is provided at no cost to you.
ORDERING MONTIORS/ AV: (for a monitor if you need it for your table): Order this from the venue by emailing Frank Mejia at frankm@metropolitanevents.com. Let us know if you do not get a response.
EXHIBIT ROOM SETUP DISPLAYS AND SIGNAGE: All sponsors are in one room. You're provided with a 6 foot long table with tablecloth. You need to provide your own signage in the form of logoed tablecloth, banner, pop-up display, etc. Please do not send a trade-show type display, which is too large for the event and not necessary. Po-up displays work best. To see typical setups, look at photos in the TechForum Gallery on the sidebar.
SETUP IS 6:00AM- 7:30AM THE DAY OF THE EVENT. EVENT STARTS AT 8AM. NO NIGHT-BEFORE SETUP. Tables are set up on the day of the conference. The facility cannot be accessed the night before. The venue will be available for arrival of your staff for setup at 6:00AM. Our staff will be on hand to help you get your materials positioned. Please make sure that if you ship boxes they are labeled exactly as follows:
RAFFLES: We encourage every sponsor to participate in the raffle as it encourages end of day attendance. A $50 Amazon gift card or something similar is a perfect gift. Raffles are held at the end of the day and winners must be present to win.
Please do not send your raffle gift to the event, unless your salesperson wants to personally give it to the winner post-event. We will not be collecting gifts at the end of the day --so if you plan to give it out at the event, you can arrange that with your salespeople/ table staff.
Instead, you will send the raffle gift to the winner post-event (which is a great way to connect with a potential client!). Frequently offered raffle gifts are: $50 gift cards (always a hit!), electronic gadgets, smartwatches, etc. Company-specific items such as software or services, or clothing with logos, are not considered raffle gifts, and should be given away at your table.
TechForum staff will choose the winners at the end of the event from your basket. Winners must be present to win.
STAFF NAMES FOR BADGES, AND NUMBER OF PASSES: Gold Sponsors may send 5 company staff plus one speaker; Silver Sponsors may send 3 staff plus 1 speaker. Bronze sponsors may send 2 staff. Please do not send more without prior agreement with TechForum, even if they are switching off during the day. If you send more, you will be charged for the extra staff person/s after the event (see contract), as TechForum is charged for each person who walks into the event. Staff must be pre-registered, preferably at least one week before the event. Please send name, job title, and email for each attending staff member to Victoria Adams (we will contact you). Note: If you wish to add a staff member, we can make arrangements for that, though you will need to pay for the extra person. Contact us for pricing and availability.
STAFF MAY ATTEND ANY AND ALL PRESENTATIONS: Traffic in exhibit area is during exclusive exhibit time through out the day and your staff will be welcome to observe all presentations.
DIRECTIONS: See our Venue Directions page for all subways and mass transit, driving directions etc. Metropolitan Pavilion entrance is at 123 W. 18th Street ( 123 is a smaller doorway a few feet east from the main entrance at 125), between 6th and 7th Ave in NYC. It is one block from the #1 and is easily accessible to PATH and all major subways from 14 Street stations.
VENDOR MAPS (NO BOOTH NUMBERS): We do not assign booth numbers. You will not need a vendor map to find your table--all tabletops will be in the same room and easy to find when you arrive. Generally we have 10- 20 sponsors.
BREAKDOWN TIME is during last panel of day (see agenda for event online): Breakdown of tables can take place after the end of the event, around 4PM.
SHIPPING BOXES BACK: Please remember to include shipping slips for sending materials back. We will call in the FedEx and UPS pickup, but if you use another carrier, please arrange for pickup yourself at the same address as where your items were sent.
GIVE-AWAYS/INCENTIVES. If you’re distributing incentives, we suggest you bring enough for about 75 people.
ATTENDEE LIST: Registrant lists with contact information will be distributed to all exhibitors and sponsors the day after the conference. Contact Victoria Adams at 212-787-1122. You MUST sign our privacy policy. Some registrants may choose to withhold their information—we must honor that.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Click here for a list of hotels recommended by the Metropolitan Pavilion.